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Parental Guidance (SD) iTunes Redeem (Ports to MA)


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Minor-league baseball announcer Artie Decker (Billy Crystal) and his wife, Diane (Bette Midler), get to see their only child, Alice (Marisa Tomei), very seldom. To their surprise, Alice and her husband (Tom Everett Scott) ask them to watch their children so they can embark on a trip for work. It promises to be a fun time for all until the three young ones turn out to be quite a handful for this old-fashioned couple. Artie and Diane may need to bend the rules to make everyone happy in the end. Directed by Andy Fickman.

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: June 7, 2016

MPAA Rating

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SKU: 401129I Code Types: , Genre:
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