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The Last of Robin Hood (HD) iTunes Redeem (Ports to MA)


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Errol Flynn (Kevin Kline), the swashbuckling Hollywood star and notorious ladies man, flouted convention all his life, but never more brazenly than in his last years when swimming in vodka and unwilling to face his mortality, he undertook a liaison with an aspiring actress, Beverly Aadland (Dakota Fanning). The two had a high-flying affair that spanned the globe and was enabled by the girl’s fame-obsessed mother, Florence (Susan Sarandon). It all came crashing to an end in October 1959, when events forced the relationship into the open. Written and directed by Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland.

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: March 3, 2015

MPAA Rating

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SKU: 636243I Code Types: , Genre:
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